How to Create Your Homemade Biodegradable Cat Litter

Catsher Homemade cat litter 1

Creating your own biodegradable cat litter is an eco-friendly choice and a great way to save money and provide a healthier option for your feline friend. With concerns over the environment and the chemicals in commercial cat litter, more pet owners are looking for natural alternatives. This guide will walk you through several methods to make homemade cat litter using simple, sustainable materials.

How to Make Homemade Kitty Litter

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Wheat bran or wheat-based products
  • Soy pellets
  • Grass seed (Ensure it’s safe for cats)
  • Newspaper or paper waste


  1. Choose Your Base Material: Wheat bran, soy pellets, or grass seed can be an excellent absorbent base for your cat litter. Wheat and soy are particularly good at neutralizing odors, while grass seed is lightweight and gentle on your cat’s paws.
  2. Prepare the Base: If using wheat or soy, bake it in a low-temperature oven for a few hours to remove moisture. This step is crucial for preventing mold. For grass seed, ensure it’s thoroughly dried and free from pesticides.
  3. Add Bulk and Absorbency: Shred newspaper or paper waste into fine pieces. This will add bulk and enhance the absorbency of your litter. Mix it well with your base material.
  4. Optional Fragrance: Consider adding a few drops of cat-safe essential oils or dried herbs like lavender for a pleasant scent. However, many cats prefer unscented litter, so observe your cat’s preference.

Most Effective Method of DIY Cat Litter

Creating your cat litter isn’t just a fun DIY project; it’s a smart choice for your wallet and the environment. Plus, it gives you full control over the ingredients, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for your beloved pet.

The Winning Combo: Wheat & Soy

After extensive testing and feedback from fellow cat lovers, we’ve discovered that the most effective homemade cat litter perfectly balances absorbency and odor control. The secret? Wheat and soy. Here’s why they’re your best bets:

  • Wheat-Based Cat Litter: Known for its super absorbency, wheat-based litter locks in moisture, keeping the litter box dry and comfortable for your cat. It’s also compostable, making it an eco-warrior’s dream. The natural starches in wheat help neutralize odors, keeping your home smelling fresh.
  • Soy Pellet Litter: If you’re battling litter box odors, soy pellets are your new best friend. They offer exceptional odor control, absorbing smells as efficiently as liquids. Soy pellets clump together when wet, making it a breeze to scoop and clean the litter box, ensuring a hygienic environment for your cat.

Easy Steps to DIY Success

  1. Choose Your Base: Decide whether you prefer the ultra-absorbency of wheat or the odor-fighting power of soy. You can even mix both for a super litter blend!
  2. Prepare Your Materials: If you’re using wheat, bake it at a low temperature to remove moisture, preventing mold. For soy pellets, ensure they’re dry and ready to use.
  3. Mix and Match: Feel free to experiment with ratios to find the perfect blend for your cat’s needs. Some cats prefer a finer texture, while others like a chunkier base.
  4. Add a Touch of Freshness: While optional, adding a bit of baking soda to your mixture can further enhance odor control without artificial fragrances.
  5. Ready, Set, Go: Fill your cat’s litter box with your homemade mixture and watch them explore their new, comfortable bathroom spot.

Cheaper Alternative to Cat Litter

Believe it or not, the best things in life (or at least in cat litter) can be free or nearly free. We’re talking about using newspaper and sawdust from untreated wood as the ultimate cheaper alternative to cat litter. Here’s why they’re a game-changer:

  • Newspaper: Highly absorbent and practically free, shredded newspaper is a fantastic way to repurpose your old reads into something useful. It’s gentle on paws and easily composted or disposed of, making it a win for eco-conscious pet owners.
  • Sawdust from Untreated Wood: If you’re looking for an option that clumps naturally and offers excellent odor control, sawdust is your go-to. It’s a by-product of woodworking and carpentry, readily available at little to no cost. Just ensure it’s from untreated wood to avoid chemicals harmful to your cat.

How to Make Your Own

Creating your homemade cat litter from newspaper or sawdust is simpler than you might think. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Collect Your Materials: Gather newspapers or sawdust. If opting for sawdust, ensure it’s from untreated, non-toxic wood.
  2. Prep Your Newspaper: If using newspapers, shred them into strips or small pieces. This increases their surface area, boosting absorbency.
  3. Dry Your Sawdust: Ensure it is dry to maximize its absorbent properties. Spread it out in a sunny spot or a warm room if it feels damp.
  4. Optional Enhancements: To combat odors, sprinkle baking soda over your newspaper or sawdust litter. This natural deodorizer will keep things smelling fresh without irritating your cat.
  5. Fill ‘er Up. Load your cat’s litter box with your prepared material. For newspapers, a couple of inches deep should suffice. A thinner layer will do for sawdust, as it’s more compact and absorbent.

Homemade Litter Box for Kittens

Kittens are small, curious, and sometimes a little clumsy. A standard-sized litter box can be daunting for them, making it difficult to climb in and out. Creating a smaller, shallow litter box provides a safe, accessible space that encourages good bathroom habits right from the start.

Materials Needed:

  • A shallow plastic container (think under-bed storage size)
  • A pair of scissors or a box cutter (for any necessary modifications)
  • Your choice of homemade cat litter (newspaper, sawdust, wheat, or soy)


  1. Find the Perfect Container: Look for a plastic container with low sides. It should be easy for your kitten to step over. An under-bed storage box is often the ideal size and height.
  2. Modify If Necessary: If the sides of your chosen container are still too high for your kitten, carefully cut them down to an appropriate height. Remember, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for your kitten to get in and out.
  3. Fill With Homemade Litter: Using one of the eco-friendly, cost-effective litter options mentioned earlier (like newspaper or sawdust), fill the container with a shallow litter layer. For kittens, 1-2 inches is usually sufficient.
  4. Place in a Quiet, Accessible Spot: Choose a quiet corner for your kitten’s litter box. Privacy is key, but you also want to ensure your kitten can easily find and access their box whenever nature calls.
  5. Introduce Your Kitten to Their New Box: Gently show your kitten where the litter box is and encourage them to explore it. Some kittens take to their new bathroom spot naturally, while others may need a few introductions.

Is Grass Seed Litter Safe for Cats?

Grass seed litter offers a unique combination of benefits that can appeal to both cats and their humans:

  • Safe for Cats: When sourced responsibly to ensure it’s free from pesticides and harmful chemicals, grass seed litter poses no risk to your cat’s health. This natural alternative is perfect for pet owners prioritizing organic and non-toxic living environments for their furry family members.
  • Gentle on Paws: Its lightweight and soft texture make grass seed litter a paw-friendly option, especially for cats with sensitivities or declawed paws who find traditional litter too harsh.
  • Eco-Friendly: Being biodegradable, grass seed litter won’t linger in landfills, making it an environmentally friendly choice for the planet-conscious pet owner.

Choosing the Right Grass Seed Litter

To ensure your cat’s safety and comfort, selecting the right type of grass seed litter is crucial. Here are a few tips:

  1. Look for Organic: Opt for grass seed litter explicitly labeled as organic. This guarantees it’s free from pesticides or chemicals that could harm your cat.
  2. Check for Additives: Some grass seed litters may contain additional odor control or clumping ingredients. Ensure these are also non-toxic and safe for cats.
  3. Soft Texture is Key: Choose a grass seed litter with a fine, smooth texture to ensure it’s gentle on your cat’s paws and comfortable for them to use daily.

Read more about How to Choose the Right cat litter


Making your own biodegradable cat litter is a simple, effective way to reduce your environmental footprint, save money, and provide a healthy and safe option for your cat. Whether you choose wheat, soy, or grass seed as your base, you can feel good knowing you’re making a sustainable choice for your pet and the planet.

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