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Originating in Russia, the Siberian cat is a beautiful and ancient animal. Siberians are forest cats with thick triple coats to keep them warm in the winter. These fluffy cats are wonderful pets because of their lively and loving personalities.

There are numerous reasons why Siberian cats are amazing, but one of the main ones is surely their coat flexibility. One Siberian won’t usually appear like another Siberian because they can have any variety of colors and patterns. Due to the lack of a breed-specific pattern or color, they are unique. In this article, we have discussed Siberian cat colors and patterns.

Must Read: Most of Us Do Not Know What Colors Can Cats See and Why

5 most common Siberian cat colors and coat patterns

Here is the list of 5 most common Siberian cat colors and coat patterns.

1. Tabby

Tabby Siberian cats have a coat with strips. Each tabby has a special “M” on the forehead. They have expressive marks around their eyes and delicate pencil lines on their faces. Upon carefully looking at the lighter areas of a tabby’s coat, individual hairs show a combination of light and dark bands, like the fur of a squirrel or rabbit. This banding is referred to as agouti.

It is believed that tabby cats are the wild variety of domesticated cats. The coats of Siberian tabby cats come in a variety of patterns and colors. Tabbies usually have spots on their stomachs and stripes on their legs. They have rings around their chests, forming necklaces.

Tabby Siberian Cats Color Range:

  • Black/ Brown Tabby Siberian Cats: There are many different colors of brown, ranging from cool or dark browns to warm browns that almost seem gold. These colors give these Siberian cats a classic look. Brown Siberian cats look wilder, and because of their color they can easily fit into the forest. 
  • Tabby Golden Siberian Cat: These kitties almost seem to shine when they catch the light. They are rare, but they have a lovely golden color. Their colors range from straw to apricot. Due to the lack of knowledge about the genetics of the color, they are challenging to breed. They are not the same as a golden Persian; instead, they are frequently brighter gold with black paw pads and pink nose leather.
  • Silver Tabby Siberian Cat: Black or brown tips contrast with a white undercoat in silver tabbies. It seems shiny as a result, especially in the sunlight.
  • Blue Tabby Siberian Cat: When a cat has a weak gene for either a red or black coat color, the result is a blue tabby. Their coats seem creamier or bluer.
  • Tortoiseshell Tabby: These cats, who go by the affectionate name “torbies,” have coats that are silver, blue, or brown with red patches.

2. Solid Siberian Cats

Solid Siberian cats, sometimes referred to as Selfs. They have a single coat color that runs from the tip to the base of their hair. A solid Siberian will have a bright color that covers their entire body with no variances or marks. Their paw pads and noses match the color of the rest of their fur exactly.

They usually have little to no shading. These remarkable cats come in a variety of colors, ranging from the coal-black Siberian cat to pure white.

Due to a recessive gene that blocks the tabby pattern, the majority of solid-colored cats are produced. Even on a solid black cat, the tabby pattern can sometimes not be completely hidden. This results in faint “shadow” tabby markings in certain lighting conditions. Because black leopards have the same suppressing gene, these shadow patterns can be seen on them too. 

Solid Siberian Cats Color Range:

  • Solid Black Siberian Cats can have different shades of black color like greyish black, coal black and brownish black.
  • Solid Blue Siberian Cat has a blue-grey color. They can have different shades like pale ash grey, medium grey, and dark slate grey.
  • Solid White Siberian Cat is completely white. White cats can have blue eyes, green eyes, or gold eyes. These cats can also have one blue eye and one green or gold eye. These cats are known as odd-eyed white.

3. Smoke Siberians

Smoke Siberians are even more attractive because of their unique appearance. These cats have a single, uniform color, but their coat has patterns of silver-grey. The color of the undercoat will be light and smoky, like red, cream, black, blue, or tortoiseshell.

A smoke Siberian cat is basically all black or grey, but the hair roots are noticeably white. Solid cats typically have brownish roots; real smokes, on the other hand, have clear white roots. Silver tabbies in a solid form are called smokes. These cats have a lot of excitement since their white undercoat and hair sections show as they move.

Smoke Siberian Cat Color Range:

  • Black Siberian Cat
  • Blue Siberian Cat
  • Cream Siberian Cat
  • Cameo Siberian Cat
  • Red Siberian Cat
  • Tortoiseshell Siberian Cat
  • Blue Cream

4. Pointed Siberian Cats

Pointed colors, also known as “siamese markings,” are the third primary color division for Siberians. Pointed Siberians are available in all the same colors as solid Siberians; however, the color is only on the face, paws, and tail; the remainder of the body is a creamy tan or white hue.

With a unique contrast between the body and points, the Siberian point pattern’s body is one uniform hue. However, some shading may be present. The points are made up of the legs, feet, tail, ears, and mask of a cat. These cats might have blue, crimson, or dark brown feet and vivid blue eyes. These kittens are nearly pure white when they are born. Their points become darker as they grow old.

Pointed Siberian Cats Color Range:

  • Lynx Point Siberian Cat
  • Red/Flame Point Siberian Cat
  • Blue Point Siberian Cat
  • Silver Point Siberian Cat
  • Seal Point Siberian Cat
  • Blue Cream Point Siberian Cat

5. Wide Band Siberian Cat

In wide band Siberian cats, the dark pigment on each hair shaft has been pushed to the tip. The undercoat color takes up so much hair that the cat appears to be a different color because it expands from being a narrow band at the base of the hair to a wide band.

Wide band Siberian cats’ hair shafts will be dark, causing the undercoat to appear different from the outside coat. The Wideband that covers the majority of the cat’s hair color on the undercoat gives them their name.

Russet-colored tabbies, such as black and blue ones, turn gold. Tabbies turn from crimson to silver-red. Colors that are solid turn into smoke. Silver tabbies turn nearly white in color. We do occasionally get wide band colors, notably golds, which are the specialty of some breeders.

Wide Band Siberian Cats Color Range:

  • Silver Wide-Band Tabby
  • Gold Classic Tabby
  • Red-Silver Tabby


Siberians are a natural breed; therefore, they are available in every color, including blue-eyed color points. They are present in a lot of colors like brown, red, blue, silver, white, black, and any combination of these colors. They are available in solid, shaded, pointed, and wide band patterns.

Tabby Siberian cats have a coat with strips. Tabby Siberian cats are known as the wild variety of domestic cats. Solid Siberian will have a bright color that covers their entire body with no variances or marks. In short, Siberian cats have a huge variety of colors and patterns that suit every taste of every cat lover.

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