Ultimate Birthday Cat Treats Including Special Birthday Cake for Your Cat

Catsher What Treats You Can Offer Your Cat on Their Birthday 1

Cats being the creatures of habit and routine are not too fussed about any special day let alone their own birthday. As long as they have the same eating times, clean litter, play times and favourite sport for rest they are as happy as Larry. However, this does not dampen the spirits of us cat parents as we ensure to make it a celebration. Since cats are not such big fans of gatherings, our best chance to make them happy is through their gut. Birthday cat treats and birthday cakes are our chance to impress our furry friends.

At Catsher, we have extensive experience in celebrating the birthdays or adoption anniversaries of our cats and we have compiled a complete guide on what could bring real joy to your cat on their special day. What choices do we have in terms of cat treats? Do the cats like to celebrate their special day with a cake and if so what kind of cake is their favourite? You can take advantage of our experiences and research by taking a detailed look below.

Homemade Delicacies: A Personal Touch

Cooked Fish or Chicken: 

Catsher Salmon and Sweet Potato

A classic favorite among felines, offering cooked fish or chicken is an excellent way to show your love. Choose lean meats like chicken breast or fish such as salmon or tuna, ensuring all bones are removed to prevent choking risks. Lightly steam or boil the meat without adding seasonings, oils, or garlic, which can harm cats. Let it cool, and chop it into bite-sized pieces suitable for your cat to enjoy easily.

DIY Catnip Treats: 

If you’re feeling creative, DIY catnip treats are a fantastic way. Combine finely chopped cooked chicken or fish with one part catnip and enough canned pumpkin to bind the mixture. Roll the mix into pea-sized balls and bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 10 minutes, or until they’re slightly hardened on the outside but still chewy. These treats not only offer a sensory delight due to the catnip but also provide a healthy, protein-rich snack.

Cat Birthday Cake: 

homemade cat food for summer

Celebrate your cat’s special day with a meat-based cake that’s both nutritious and delicious. Start with a base of pureed chicken or fish, add a binding agent such as an egg or a bit of flour, and mix in a healthy addition like pureed pumpkin or carrot for extra nutrients and moisture. Bake in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for 15-20 minutes in a small, cat-sized cake pan. Make sure to let the cake cool down completely before serving a slice. 

Store-Bought Surprises: Ease Meets Celebration

When time is short or if you’re looking for something special, store-bought treats can offer a lovely variety of options to spoil your cat on their big day. Here’s a closer look at some of the convenient yet utterly delightful treats you can find:

Specialty Cat Treats

Eco The Best Dry Cat Food For Indoor Cats Main

The pet market offers a wide range of options that cater to every cat’s preference. These options include freeze-dried single-ingredient treats like salmon, chicken, or liver, which are perfect for your cat’s health. Several brands even offer treats that support dental health or are enriched with vitamins and minerals to boost overall well-being. When selecting treats, it’s best to look for those with high-quality ingredients and minimal additives to ensure that they’re not only tasty but also beneficial for your cat.

Gourmet Cat Food:

Make your cat’s birthday meal extra special with gourmet cat food options. These premium selections boast real meat, fish, or poultry in various textures and sauces, perfect for even the most discerning palates. Brands such as Fancy Feast, Sheba, and Royal Canin offer specialized lines, including grain-free, organic, or health-focused formulations, ensuring you can find a luxurious meal that aligns with your cat’s dietary requirements and tastes. Serving this indulgent feast in a shiny new bowl enhances the celebratory ambiance.

Cat Ice Cream:

Catsher Icecream

Cat ice cream is a safe and digestible treat explicitly crafted for felines. Made from lactose-free yogurt or goat’s milk, it avoids ingredients that can upset cats’ stomachs. Flavors are often meat-based or incorporate cat-friendly ingredients like tuna. Some brands include beneficial supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids. Serve a small scoop as a special dessert for your cat’s birthday celebration.

Tips for Choosing Store-Bought Treats

  • Read the Ingredients: Look for treats with simple, high-quality ingredients and avoid those with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
  • Consider Your Cat’s Health: Choose treats that complement your cat’s regular diet and don’t exacerbate any existing health issues. Consult your vet before introducing new treats for cats with specific dietary needs.
  • Introduce New Treats Gradually: Even on their birthday, it’s important to introduce any new food item slowly to avoid upsetting your cat’s stomach.

Toys & Play: Not Just Treats


Sure, treats are awesome, but there’s so much more to a birthday! Consider getting a shiny new toy, a tall scratching post for adventurous climbs, or a super soft bed for those long naps. These gifts can bring joy and fun to your cat’s daily life, making their birthday memorable.

Safety First: A Happy Cat is a Healthy Cat

Loving your cat means keeping them safe. When picking out treats or trying new foods, choose items that are safe for cats. Stay away from foods harmful to them, like onions, garlic, and chocolate. If you’re introducing something new to their diet, start small to make sure it doesn’t upset their tummy.

Celebrate with Love

Your cat’s birthday is perfect for showing how much you love them. You could go for homemade treats, buy a few new toys, or spend more time playing or cuddling. The main thing is to have fun and make the day unique for them. It’s all about creating happy moments and memories with your furry friend.

Extra Touches

  • DIY Toy: Consider making a simple toy at home, like a string and feather wand. It’s easy and adds a personal touch to their playtime.
  • Photo Session: Capture the moment with a birthday photo session. Dressing in a cute outfit or setting up a little birthday scene can make for adorable pictures.
  • Quality Time: Sometimes, the best gift is just being together. Set aside some time for extra petting, brushing, or simply sitting together in their favorite spot.

Why a cat birthday cake treat is best

Catsher birthday cake

Celebrating your cat’s birthday with a homemade cake expresses your love and care for your furry friend. It’s not just a treat but a symbol of your special bond. Making the cake yourself allows you to choose healthy, safe, and tasty ingredients for your cat. This adds extra joy to their special day, making it truly memorable. Preparing the cake with your cat and watching them explore and savor it strengthens your bond and creates lasting memories. Taking photos of the special moment preserves the joyous occasion for years to come, reminding you of your love for your cat. A homemade birthday cake is a heartwarming celebration of your cat’s life and the cherished relationship you share.

How to Make a Birthday Cake for Your Cat

Creating a birthday cake for your cat is a delightful way to celebrate their special day, providing them with a safe and enjoyable treat. This guide will walk you through the steps to making a simple, nutritious, cat-friendly birthday cake. Remember, while it’s fun to celebrate, it’s also essential to ensure that all ingredients are safe for cats and that treats are in moderation.

Ingredients you’ll Need:

  • 1 cup cooked, boneless chicken or salmon: Choose a lean protein source your cat loves. Ensure it’s cooked without any onions, garlic, or seasonings that could harm cats.
  • 1 egg: Eggs are a great source of protein and are safe for cats when cooked.
  • 2 tablespoons of carrot or pumpkin puree: This adds fiber and moisture to the cake. Ensure its plain and without any added sugar or spices.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil: A little olive oil can help keep the cake moist and add healthy fats.


  • Mixing bowl
  • Fork or blender (for mixing)
  • Small cake pan or muffin tin (for individual servings)
  • Oven

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Preheat Your Oven: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C) to ensure it’s ready for baking.
  • Prepare the Protein: If you haven’t already, cook your chicken or salmon thoroughly. Once cooked, finely shred or blend it to create a smooth, consistent texture.
  • Mix Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine the shredded chicken or salmon, egg, carrot or pumpkin puree, and olive oil. Mix thoroughly until you achieve a uniform batter. If the mixture seems too dry, add a little more puree to moisten it.
  • Prepare the Pan: Grease a small cake pan or muffin tin with olive oil to prevent sticking. If you’re making individual servings, muffin tins are a great option.
  • Fill the Pan: Spoon the mixture into the pan or muffin tins, smoothing the top with the back of a spoon.
  • Bake the Cake: Place the pan in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until the cake is firm and lightly golden on top. The baking time might vary depending on the size of the cake or muffin tins.
  • Cool before Serving: It’s crucial to let the cake cool completely before serving it to your cat. You can remove it from the pan and place it on a wire rack to speed up the cooling process.

Important Tips:

  • Always ensure that all ingredients are safe for cats and avoid any toxic foods.
  • Watch how your cat reacts to the cake, especially if it’s their first time trying one of the ingredients.

Creating a birthday cake for your cat is a fun and caring way to celebrate their life with you. By following these simple steps, you can make a delicious treat that will surely make your cat feel loved and appreciated on their special day.

Read more about cat food recipes

Final Thoughts

Despite our cats not being too fussed about their big day, we cat parents know exactly how important and joyful those cats are to our well-being. We cherish the bond we share with them and love to make memories that last for a lifetime. We feel duty-bound to make their day special.

It does not matter if you are making cat treats at home with the best available ingredients or buying the best commercial brand from the market. It is not important if you are preparing a cake for your cat yourself or ordering the best confectionary shop to make the best cake available for your cat. The bond that you share with your cat matters. Our advice is to go over the top with celebrations, take pictures of every occasion and celebrate every moment with your beloved cat as you will cherish those moments for years to come.

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