15 Hypoallergenic Cats Perfect for Allergy Sufferers: Living Allergy Free With a Cat

catsher Allergy free Cats

Having a cat in your home is something we take for granted and never spare a second thought about. However, if you suffer from allergies, then welcoming a cat to your home becomes a little more complicated. Your best bet is to find a hypoallergenic cat that can help in your situation

While most of the cats produce allergens in their fur, saliva, and urine, some breeds however produce a relatively low amount of allergens called hypoallergenic cats. Since this article is aimed solely at people suffering from allergies, in the interest of our readers we should clarify that there is no such thing as a cat that is completely hypoallergenic and you might want to consult with a veterinarian just to be sure. Here is another fact for your knowledge. Apart from fighting your allergy triggers, there are around 10% of people are specifically allergic to cats. No need to worry if you are reading our blog post as we have dug deep to find 15 top hypoallergenic cat breeds that can make the dream of living with a cat possible for people with allergies.

Understanding Allergies and Hypoallergenic cat Breeds

People who are allergic to cats are affected by cat allergens, especially the protein Fel d 1. These allergens are found in cat skin flakes, saliva, and pee. They can get into the air and cause skin and breathing problems.

  • Common symptoms of cat allergies

If you’re allergic to cats, you might feel like you have a bit of a cold with symptoms such as sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, and skin rashes. Sometimes, it can get even worse and cause asthma. It’s important to spot these signs to get help quickly and feel better soon.

  • Frequency of cat allergies

Did you know that about 10% of people are allergic to cats? But don’t worry; there are now most hypoallergenic cat breeds that produce fewer allergens. This means that even if you have allergies, you can still enjoy the company of a furry friend!

I. The Top 15 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

1. Siberian


Did you know that Siberian cats are not only beautiful but also breeds of hypoallergenic cats? Their long and luxurious fur sheds are minimal, making them a great choice for anyone with allergies. But that’s not all! These felines have friendly personalities and enchanting green eyes that add some elegance to your home.They are also very affectionate and make wonderful companions for all cat lovers. So if you’re looking for a furry friend that won’t cause you sneezes, hypoallergenic cat breeds Siberian are the way to go!

2. Balinese

Catsher Balinese

Did you know about the Balinese cat? They’re such a delightful breed! They’re related to Siamese cats, and they’re known for their elegance and hypoallergenic qualities. Even though they have a long, flowing coat, they don’t shed much, which makes them a perfect choice for people with allergies. Balinese cats are also very affectionate and graceful, and they love to be around their owners.

3. Devon Rex


Say hello to the Devon Rex – a playful and mischievous cat breed that will capture your heart! With their short, curly coat and distinctive appearance, these cats are both hypoallergenic and entertaining companions that can add charm to any home.Unlike other breeds, the Devon Rex has all three coat layers, giving their curls a softer, more open appearance. With a velvety soft feel similar to Rex rabbits, these cats redefine the concept of tactile companionship. They are sure to keep you entertained for hours.

4. Cornish Rex


Let me introduce you to the Cornish Rex, another fascinating cat breed that will capture your attention! With their unique curls and oriental allure, these cats are a sight to behold. The Cornish Rex has a bottom undercoat, which gives them a velvety soft touch that sets them apart from other feline breeds. As a hypoallergenic breed, they make delightful companions ideal for anyone looking for a cat that won’t trigger their allergies.What’s more, Cornish Rex cats are known for their energetic and playful personalities, making them a favourite among cat enthusiasts. Their unique softness adds to the tactile experience and makes them even more lovable. If you’re seeking a hypoallergenic friend that’s both playful and cuddly, then the Cornish Rex is the perfect cat for you!

5. Javanese

catsher Javanese

Have you ever heard of the Javanese cat? They are one of the most beautiful cat breeds out there, with silky semi-long coats and gorgeous striking blue almond-shaped eyes. But the best part about them is that they’re hypoallergenic, producing fewer allergens and perfect for those with allergies.They are super smart and affectionate, making them amazing companions to have around. With their captivating appearance and endearing personality, Javanese cats are the perfect choice for anyone looking for an elegant and compatible furry friend.

6. Oriental Shorthair


The Oriental Shorthair is a breed that exudes elegance and sophistication, much like its Siamese ancestors. They are also hypoallergenic, making them an ideal choice for those with allergies. These cats offer beauty and compatibility with their striking appearance and reduced allergen levels.Oriental Shorthair cats are known for their vibrant personalities and affectionate nature, making them a wonderful addition to any home. If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic alternative, the Oriental Shorthair is a breed to consider.

7. Sphynx


The Sphynx cat is a fascinating hypoallergenic breed that is instantly recognizable for its hairless appearance. Their unique feature of having no fur means they offer a one-of-a-kind tactile experience while minimizing the risk of allergic reactions. Beyond their hypoallergenic qualities, Sphynx cats are also known for their playful and affectionate nature.Sphynx cats redefine the concept of hypoallergenic companionship, providing a delightful option for cat enthusiasts. Despite their hairless exterior, Sphynx cats bring warmth and affection to their owners, making them a truly unique and lovable addition to any household.

8. Russian Blue

catsher russian blue

The most hypoallergenic cat breeds Russian blue that exudes elegance with its short, dense coat and mesmerizing emerald eyes. Not only are they stunning, but they also produce lower levels of allergens, making them an excellent choice for those with allergies.Russian Blue cats offer their owners a serene and enchanting presence thanks to their gentle and reserved nature. Their hypoallergenic qualities ensure a harmonious living environment, providing a calm and peaceful addition to any household. If you’re looking for a feline companion that is both elegant and hypoallergenic, the Russian Blue is definitely a breed to consider.

9. Bengal


The Bengal cat is a breed that is sure to captivate you with its striking spotted or marbled coat. But did you know that they are also cat breeds that are hypoallergenic? Bengals are known for their reduced allergen production, making them a great choice for those with allergies. They bring a touch of the wild to your home without compromising comfort.Bengal cats are energetic and playful, offering a unique combination of beauty and hypoallergenic traits. Their distinct coat patterns and hypoallergenic qualities make them a favourite among those seeking an exotic and allergy-friendly feline companion. If you’re looking for a friendly and unique cats hypoallergenic breeds, the Bengal is definitely a breed to consider.

10. Burmese

catsher Burmese

The Burmese cat is a short, sleek, and simply delightful breed. They are charming and hypoallergenic, making them an excellent choice for those with allergies. Burmese cats have a playful and affectionate nature, making them excellent companions for allergy-conscious individuals and cat enthusiasts. Their striking appearance and hypoallergenic qualities create a harmonious and joyful living environment.

Burmese cats are known for their affectionate demeanour and reduced allergen production, making them a perfect choice for those seeking a cat breeds hypoallergenic with a loving and friendly disposition. If you’re looking for a cat breeds hypoallergenic is both playful and loving, the Burmese is definitely a breed to consider.

11. Siamese


Are you a cat lover but struggle with allergies? We have good news for you! Meet the Siamese cat, a charming breed that produces lower allergen levels than other felines. With their striking blue almond-shaped eyes and chatty nature, Siamese cats make for captivating companions that will steal your heart.Despite not being completely hypoallergenic, they are a great choice for those with mild allergies. So, if you’re looking for a delightful and elegant pet that won’t trigger your allergies, the Siamese cat might be the perfect choice!

12. Colorpoint ShorthairCatsher Colorpoint Shorthair

Are you in the market for a hypoallergenic feline that stands out? Look no further than the Turkish Van cat! With its semi-long coat and love for water, this breed is a unique and charming addition to any home. Moreover, Turkish Van cats produce fewer allergens, making them an excellent option for those with allergies.

These playful and friendly cats also make exceptional companions, adding a touch of elegance to your household. If you’re seeking a distinctive and delightful cat compatible with your allergies, the Turkish Van is definitely worth considering.

13. Turkish Van

The Turkish Van cat has a semi-long coat and a fondness for water, which adds a distinctive touch to hypoallergenic cats breeds. These cats are famous for their low allergen production and can bring a touch of exotic charm to any household. Turkish Van cats are known for their playful and friendly nature, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a unique and charming companion.

Additionally, they offer a hypoallergenic option for individuals with allergies. Their eye-catching appearance and hypoallergenic qualities make them a distinctive choice for people with allergies, providing both sophistication and compatibility.



LaPermCatsher LaPerm

Catsher LaPermThe LaPerm cat is known for its unique curly coat, which sets it apart as a hypoallergenic marvel. Their distinctive texture and lower allergen levels make them visually appealing and suitable for individuals who are prone to allergies.

LaPerm cats are known for their enchanting appearance and hypoallergenic qualities, providing a delightful and tactile experience for their owners. With their curly coats and reduced allergen production, these cats are a lovely and hypoallergenic choice for families looking for a one-of-a-kind feline companion.

15. AbyssinianCATSHER BREEDS Abyssinian

Wrapping up our list is the Abyssinian cat, renowned for its short, ticked coat and lively personality. Appreciated for their ability to produce fewer allergens, these cats are visually appealing and make great companions for those looking for hypoallergenic pets.

Abyssinian cats bring a lively and affectionate nature to any household, adding a touch of energy and hypoallergenic charm. Their coat patterns and reduced allergen levels make them an excellent choice for individuals with allergies, offering a perfect blend of elegance and compatibility in feline companionship. Abyssinians have a short, ticked coat and are valued for their lower allergen production.

Tips for Living with a Hypoallergenic Cat

Implementing strategies such as using air purifiers, regular cleaning, and maintaining a designated pet-free zone can help create an environment conducive to individuals with allergies.

Regular grooming, including brushing and bathing, can minimize the spread of allergens and contribute to a cleaner living space.

From over-the-counter antihistamines to consulting with allergists, various strategies for managing cat allergies allow individuals to enjoy the company of their feline companions.

Empowering cat lovers with allergies to explore hypoallergenic cats breeds opens the door to a fulfilling and harmonious relationship with their feline friends.


Even though we have tried to provide every bit of information that we think is necessary before you decide to bring a hypoallergenic cat to your home. However, we recommend doing your comprehensive research and a piece of good advice is to spend some time with a cat before making it a family member. This may clarify the allergy triggers and the way you react towards them.

Talking to the veterinarian already makes sense but talking to your allergy specialist is even more important. It is more important to know what is your tolerance level towards the allergies that cats bring with them. Cats are known to shed hair and dander which can turbocharge the allergy symptoms. It is important to emphasize on cleanliness if you decide to bring a cat home regardless.

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