Activities for cats Home Alone: Entertaining your Cats

Catsher Home Alone Cat

Many people prefer cats to dogs because they can be left cats alone for extended periods. Even with the convenience of a litter box and an unending food supply, cats who are left alone for extended periods can experience loneliness, boredom, and separation anxiety.

How to keep your cat entertained for hours? If your cat is lonely while you are away, set up some activities for cats at home alone to keep them busy. While most cats enjoy being left at home alone and may busy themselves for hours, they may become bored, lonely, or worried if they do not have enough to keep them occupied. 

If you’re going to be out or gone for an extended period and are wondering how to leave a cat alone, ensure they have enough activities to keep them physically and intellectually active. Continue reading for suggestions on how to keep your cat entertained and stimulated. Ping-Pong balls and plastic practice golf balls with holes are the best toys for cats at home alone. Read about some cat activities and learn how to keep cats entertained while on vacation. 

Activities for cat Home alone

Entertaining an indoor cat while you’re away and encourage independent play with different fun tips and ideas. Here are some activities for bored cats, such as how to keep cats entertained while at work.

  1. Chasing and concealing games:

 Cats enjoy playing games with humans, such as chasing or hide-and-seek, as well as mental games like treasure hunts and puzzle feeders. If you want to know how to play with a cat, there are several options. Create chasing and hiding activities for children to play independently by hanging CDs to follow light reflections or hiding cardboard boxes, play tunnels, and blankets under tables.

  1. Puzzle Feeders

With puzzle feeders, you can encourage your cat’s hunting instincts and make them struggle for food, physically and psychologically stimulating them. Look into the best puzzle feeders for cats, or design your own. A plastic bottle with holes cut into it that releases food when played with, an egg carton with rewards in each quarter, or a board with nibbles concealed behind toilet paper rolls are all simple and inexpensive puzzle feeders.

  1. Create Treasure Hunts

Hide a few goodies around the house in places you know your cat frequents, and this will provide an opportunity for some treasure hunting. Please don’t go wild with goodies; they should make up no more than 10% of a cat’s diet. Place a few snacks about so your cat’s nose may do some work to find those little but sweet prizes.

  1. The Right Toys Choose the Right Way

 You should provide your cat with both interactive and solo toys. You’ll utilize interactive toys to play with your cat. These are usually based on a fishing pole design. All cats require interactive activity, but those kept at home alone all day will benefit the most. Interactive play should be done at least twice daily, for 15 minutes each. Many different sorts of interactive toys are available, so when buying, try to find one that matches your cat’s personality or play style.

Regarding solo toys, think more than a full toy basket is needed. Ping-Pong balls and plastic practice golf balls with holes are the best toys for cats home alone.

  1. Scratching Posts

It’s been a long since I’ve gotten a scratching post for your cat. Consider why it failed if you have one but your cat does not utilize it. Most cats prefer sisal-covered posts over carpeted ones. Ensure the post is tall and strong so your cat can lean against it to scratch and stretch. Locate the post that your cat likes to scratch. I believe this is one of the most common blunders cat parents make because they dislike the look of the post and place it in a remote spot. Look where your cat is now scratching and find the post there.

  1. Climbing Time

Climbing is a natural pastime for cats, so look into the best cat trees and towers for your pet. Cat trees provide extra interior space and allow your cat to roam vertically and horizontally. It provides excellent exercise while still being enjoyable!

  1. Birdwatching

The same four walls can become monotonous if your cat is left indoors, particularly in a tiny space. Please give them a room with a view to provide additional mental and visual stimulation. If you provide a perch near the window, they can observe the birds in the garden or watch the world go by.

  1. Relaxing in the Sun

Your pet can enjoy the Sun’s warmth by sitting near the window on a perch or a cat tree. Allow your pet to enjoy some fresh air by slightly opening any windows they cannot escape from.

  1. Outdoor Fun Inside

Your cat requires plenty of activity, so if you’re keeping them indoors, try building a cat playground or obstacle course. If you want to take it a step further, a catio will provide your cat the freedom to roam the outdoors in a safe area while you are away. Cats enjoy green environments, so if they can’t get outside, create your cat grass for them to graze on. It will keep kids occupied while also being delicious.

  1. Creating a Routine

While having a routine is not an activity in and of itself, cats prefer having regular activities planned out to avoid boredom. Most cats dislike change and want to know what’s going to happen.

  1. Cats TV and Music

Leaving the TV on provides your cat with background noise and cerebral stimulation. YouTube features many cat-specific shows that feature moving birds, insects, or mice. Music can also help your pet relax while you’re away. According to research, cats prefer classical music in particular, but music is also created specifically for them.

  1. Maybe it’s Time to Add a Companion Cat

Introducing another cat into the family might be an excellent way to bring company and friendship. Introductions take Time and skill, so if you think adding another cat is a good idea, ensure you have the time to create a progressive and positive introduction.

How to entertain a cat at night

If your cat is used to being active at night, they may become restless and anxious cats while locked indoors. To keep them active, you’ll need to supply a variety of activities, like toys, climbing frames, and puzzle feeders. Ensure that a clean litter tray and freshwater (separate) are provided for usage at night.

Cats are natural hunters, so providing them with cerebral stimulation is essential to keeping them from becoming irritated. You may get a variety of cat toys created for this purpose at pet stores, or you can make your own. Ping-pong balls and empty egg boxes make excellent toys for active cats.

It’s no surprise that cats enjoy climbing and hiding inside things, so having a space up high and climbing frames and boxes is a nice treat. Ensure your cat has access to a scratching post in case they become attached to your sofa!

How to Entertain a Cat without Toys

If you don’t have any toys or want to change things up, try playing with your cat without a toy at all. You can hold out your finger and urge the kitty to follow it, moving it behind their head or out of sight while they “hunt” for it. You can also move your hands or feet under the clothing or the blankets so Kitty can investigate.

Warning: an energetic, playful kitten may use its nails for play, so teach your cat to be kind and retract their nails or wear a glove to protect your hand if you’re concerned about kitty scratches or bites.

Must Read: Best Cat Calming Treat Methods and Symptoms


Keeping your indoor cat engaged while you’re away is critical to their well-being. Interactive toys like feather wands or laser pointers can keep kids mentally and physically active. Puzzle feeders offer a challenging challenge at mealtime, encouraging problem-solving abilities. Investing in climbing structures like cat trees fulfills their natural need to explore and climb. 

Window perches provide a comfortable location for birding and soaking up sunlight. Rotating toys and activities keeps kids engaged and curious. Introducing scented toys or catnip can make playing more exciting. Playing peaceful music or leaving the television on can create a relaxing atmosphere. Adding a range of activities lets you keep your indoor cat happy and content while you’re away.

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