How To Travel with A Cat Internationally and Their Cost

How to travel with a cat internationally

Travelling internationally with your cat is more than just a possibility – it’s an adventure you can both enjoy! We’ll explore everything from selecting the best cat carriers for aeroplane travel to the costs of flying with your cat internationally. Whether moving permanently or taking a long vacation, this guide has practical tips to make your journey smooth and stress-free. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together, ensuring your cat’s comfort and safety every step of the way!

Flying with a Cat: Best Tips

Travelling by air with your cat can be a smooth experience if you plan it right. Here’s a simple guide to make your feline’s flight as stress-free as possible:

  1.  Choose Direct Flights: When booking your flight, try to find a direct one. This is because layovers and changing planes can be stressful and confusing for your cat. A direct flight is shorter and much simpler, keeping your cat’s anxiety minimal.
  2.  Get Your Cat Used to the Carrier: This is a big one! Cats are creatures of habit and don’t always like new spaces. To make the carrier less scary, introduce it to your cat several weeks before your trip. Leave it open in a room your cat frequents, placing their favourite blanket or toy inside. This way, your cat can explore it at their own pace. Over time, they’ll start associating the carrier with a safe space. You can even feed them inside it to build a positive connection.
  3.  Consult Your Vet: Visiting the vet is crucial before any flight. They can check if your cat is healthy enough to travel. Some cats, especially older ones or those with health issues, might find flying very stressful. Your vet can also advise on any required vaccinations or medications your cat might need for the trip.
  4.  Understand Airline Policies: Different airlines have different rules for flying with pets. Some allow cats in the cabin, while others may require them to travel in the cargo hold. Make sure to check the airline’s pet policy before booking your ticket. Look for specifics like carrier dimensions, weight limits, and additional fees.
  5.  Prepare the Necessary Paperwork: Depending on where you’re flying, you might need certain documents for your cat. This can include health certificates, proof of vaccinations, and sometimes even a pet passport. Each country has its own regulations, so research this in advance.
  6.  Pack a Cat Travel Kit: Just like us, cats need a travel kit too. Pack enough food, water, a collapsible bowl, a small litter tray, and any medications your cat needs. Also, bring a familiar-smelling blanket or toy to comfort them during the journey.

Best Cat Carriers for Plane Travel

Choosing the right carrier is essential when travelling by plane with your cat. A good carrier ensures your cat’s comfort and safety throughout the journey. Here’s a detailed guide to help you find the best cat carrier for plane travel:

  1.  Airline-Approved Design: The first check is whether the airline approves the carrier. Different airlines have specific requirements for pet carriers, especially concerning size and design. Look for carriers labelled ‘airline-approved’ or check the airline’s website for guidelines.
  2.  Sturdy and Durable: A good carrier should be strong and durable to withstand the rigours of travel. It should be well-constructed with quality materials to prevent breaking or collapsing. A sturdy carrier also provides a sense of security for your cat.
  3.  Proper Ventilation: Ventilation is crucial for your cat’s comfort and safety. The carrier should have multiple mesh panels or vents. Good airflow prevents overheating and helps your cat breathe easily, reducing stress during the flight.
  4.  Appropriate Size: The carrier should be spacious enough for your cat to stand, sit, turn around, and lie down comfortably. However, it should also comply with the airline’s size restrictions for pet carriers. A carrier that’s too big might not be allowed in the cabin, while a too-small one can be uncomfortable for your cat.
  5.  Soft-Sided vs Hard-Sided Carriers:
  • Soft-Sided Carriers: These are usually more suitable for in-cabin travel. They’re often lighter and more flexible, easily fitting under the aeroplane seat. Soft carriers, with soft walls and padding, with soft walls and padding are also more comfortable for your cat. They’re ideal for calm cats who don’t chew or claw aggressively.
  • Hard-Sided Carriers: A hard-sided carrier might be a better choice if you expect a rougher journey or if your cat is a vigorous chewer or clawer. They offer more protection and are easier to clean. However, they can be bulkier and heavier.
  1.  Easy to Carry and Transport: A carrier with adjustable shoulder straps or handles can make it easier for you to carry your cat through the airport. Some carriers also feature wheels for easy transport, but these might be bulkier and only suitable for lights.

Flying with Cats: Simplified Checklist

Flying with your cat can be a smooth experience with the right preparation. Here’s a simplified checklist to ensure a stress-free journey for both you and your furry friend:

1. Health and Vaccination Requirements:

  • Vaccinations:Confirm that your cat’s vaccinations are up-to-date, especially for rabies and FVRCP.
  • Health Certificate:Get a recent health certificate from your vet, as required by the airline and destination.

2. Cat Carrier Preparation:

  • Airline-Approved Carrier:Choose a carrier that fits airline standards for size and design, ensuring your cat’s comfort.
  • Carrier Familiarization:Help your cat get used to the carrier before the trip.
  1. Comfort Items:
  • Familiar Scents:Include a familiar-scented blanket or toy in the carrier for comfort.
  • Safe Toys:Choose soft, non-rolling toys to avoid stress during the flight.

4. Food, Water, and Litter:

  • Cat’sRegular Food: Pack enough of your cat’s usual food.
  • Water Supply:Bring a spill-proof water bowl and bottled water.
  • Litter Solutions:Pack a portable litter tray or absorbent pads for long trips.

5. Identification and Safety:

  • ID Tags:Ensure your cat wears a collar with an updated ID tag.
  • Microchipping:Consider microchipping your cat for additional safety.

How to Train Your Cat to Fly

Training your cat for air travel is a gradual process that requires patience and positive reinforcement. It’s all about making your cat comfortable with the carrier and the idea of travel. Here’s a detailed guide to help you prepare your cat for flying:

  1.  Introduce the Carrier Early: Start training well before your flight. Bring the carrier into your home and place it in a room where your cat spends a lot of time. Leave the door open so they can explore it at their own pace. You can make it more inviting by placing their favourite blanket, toys, or treats inside.
  2.  Create Positive Associations: Encourage your cat to associate the carrier with good experiences. Feed them near the carrier first, then gradually move the food inside. You can also use treats and playtime to reward your cat for spending time in the carrier.
  3.  Practice with Short Sessions: Once your cat seems comfortable around the carrier, encourage them to spend short periods inside with the door closed. Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the time. Always stay nearby and speak to them in a calming voice.
  4.  Introduce Motion: To mimic the movement of travel, gently rock the carrier or take it for short, smooth rides in the car. This helps your cat get used to moving while in the carrier. Start with brief sessions and slowly extend the time as your cat becomes more comfortable.
  5.  Use Treats and Praise: Throughout the training process, use treats, praise, and affection to reward calm behaviour. This reinforces the idea that being in the carrier and going on trips is a positive experience.
  6.  Familiarize yourself with airport sounds: Familiarize your cat with sounds they might hear at the airport or on a plane. This can include recordings of airport announcements, the sound of luggage wheels, and the hum of an aeroplane. Playing these sounds at a low volume while your cat is relaxed can help desensitize them.
  7.  Simulate the Flight Environment: Simulate the environment closer to your flight date. This could mean keeping the carrier enclosed in a quiet, dimly lit area, similar to the conditions in an aeroplane cabin.
  8. Monitor Your Cat’s Behavior: Consider how your cat reacts throughout the training. If they seem overly stressed or anxious, slow down the process and give them more time to adjust.

How Much Does it Cost to Fly a Cat Internationally?

Flying a cat internationally can be quite costly, and the expenses vary depending on several factors. Here’s a simplified and concise overview of what you might expect to pay:

  1.  Airline Fees: The cost to bring a cat on a plane ranges from $100 to $200 for in-cabin travel (under the seat) and over $200 for cargo hold travel. Prices depend on the airline, flight length, and destination.
  2.  Veterinary Exams and Health Certificates: A pre-travel vet checkup usually costs $50 to $100 or more. An official health certificate stating that your cat is healthy and vaccinated is also needed, with varying costs.
  3.  Vaccinations: Depending on your destination, certain vaccinations may be required, costing $20 to $50 each, though this can vary.
  4.  Documentation and Permits: Some countries require special permits for pets, which can cost a small fee of over $100. Extra costs might be incurred for assistance with paperwork.
  5.  Additional Expenses: Budget for a travel-approved carrier, portable litter box, and possibly services of a pet travel agent.

Government Expenses

Remember government regulations and fees! Each country has its own requirements for pet importation, including quarantine periods, vaccination requirements, and entry fees. Check with the destination country’s embassy or animal importation department for specific guidelines.

Bottom Line

As we’ve seen, taking your cat on an international flight involves careful planning and consideration, but it’s feasible with the right approach. From ensuring your cat is familiar with its carrier to understanding the costs and regulations involved, we’ve covered all the bases to help make your travel experience as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Remember, the key to successful travel with your feline companion lies in thorough preparation and attention to their comfort and safety. With these tips, you can embark on a wonderful journey with your beloved cat, exploring new horizons together. 

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